Alumni Volunteer Opportunities

Are you interested in giving back to your alma mater? 志愿服务有助于爱博登录页面实现其目标,更好地为学生服务, 在志同道合的爱博手机登录面前展示你的爱博登录页面骄傲.

From serving on the Alumni Association Board, volunteering for Giving Day, or mentoring Marywood students, there are plenty of ways you can make a difference. Read more about our current opportunities, 并将你的步行者自豪感提升到一个新的水平,为爱博登录页面及其学生创造积极的影响!

Affinity Group Volunteer

爱博登录页面为学生提供了许多交流的机会. 现在你已经毕业了,不要让这阻止你与志同道合的同龄人交流. 爱博手机登录参与办公室(Office of Alumni Engagement)一直在寻找有相似兴趣的爱博手机登录. Whether it be a sport, a music interest, or a bonding through culture, we are here to support your goals of connecting. 

Alumni Association Board

The mission of the Marywood University Alumni Association 是将所有毕业生联合成一个组织,以促进和促进现在和以前的学生之间的友谊和交流, faculty, and staff members of Marywood University. Other aims include:

  • 向协会成员通报爱博登录页面爱博手机登录的成就和活动, students, faculty, and staff
  • 为爱博登录页面甄别和招收优秀学生提供帮助和支持
  • Enhancing the financial resources of Marywood University
  • 在影响爱博登录页面的事务中代表爱博手机登录的利益
  • 所有从爱博登录页面学院和爱博登录页面获得学位的人都应被视为爱博手机登录会的成员. Each Spring, 董事会向有兴趣的爱博手机登录开放申请,以填补任何空缺的董事职位. 

Alumni Mentoring Program

The Office of Alumni Engagement, in collaboration with the Office of Career Development, 致力于将本科生与爱博手机登录联系起来,在他们在爱博登录页面的时间里提供一个支持系统. Connections through career goals, leadership experiences, 或者一般性问题——我们知道我们的爱博手机登录可以帮助指导我们未来的社区成员. In addition, 向爱博手机登录和学生开放的网络会议为我们的新爱博手机登录提供了获得指导的机会. 

Check out our mentors

Alumni Prayer Group

Marywood University, founded by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM), roots itself in the Catholic intellectual tradition, 我们爱博登录页面爱博手机登录会很荣幸能和全世界的爱博手机登录们一起祈祷.

Join the alumni prayer group

Submit prayer requests to the alumni prayer group

Alumni Weekend Committee Member

我想让你们的同学会年成为难忘的经历? 有很多机会可以帮助你完成这一生中一次有趣而激动人心的里程碑. 不再是同学聚会委员会的一员,也不再是一般委员会的成员, there's always work to be done. 

2022 Reunion - class years ending in -2 and -7

2023 Reunion - class years ending in -3 and -8

2024 Reunion - class years ending in -4 and -9

Campus Guest Speaker/Panelist

Classroom speakers, guest panelists, 活动主题演讲总是爱博登录页面爱博手机登录与社区分享灵感的好机会. 

Chapter Leader

分会的成立是为了执行爱博手机登录会的使命. 分会可以根据地理区域或其他由组织志愿者确定的亲和力组成, in conjunction with the Office of Alumni Engagement. If interested in forming a chapter, 可向爱博手机登录会活动总监提出书面申请,并提交爱博手机登录会董事会批准.

Educators on Campus

Educators on Campus (EOC) 为在宾夕法尼亚州东北部七县地区的中学工作的毕业生提供提名未来学生获得奖学金的机会. The deadline has passed for the 2021-2022 EOC Scholarship Application; the 2022-2023 EOC Scholarship Application is coming soon!

Giving Day Ambassador

Giving Day is a 24-hour fundraising challenge when students, faculty, staff, 爱博手机登录和社区团结起来支持爱博登录页面学生和我们的核心价值观. 在这个重要的日子之前和之后,你可以在很多方面提供帮助. 作为大使,帮助使今年的捐赠日成为最好的节日之一. 

Hire Marywood Talent

职业发展中心定期发布工作岗位, 我们的许多学术课程都要求学生实习. Our alumni deserve to have the best team possible, 因此,我们希望将雇主和学生联系起来. Pacers supporting Pacers! Let us know when you have an opening. 

Social Media Ambassador

社交媒体大使协助爱博手机登录参与办公室传播即将举行的活动, congratulatory notes, and exciting announcements on social platforms. 

Regional Volunteer

Welcoming Committee 

欢迎新生的最好方式就是和那些自己走过爱博登录页面拱门的人一起庆祝他们. 如果你有兴趣为新生举办一个庆祝聚会,作为“送别”或“欢迎来到爱博登录页面”," we are thrilled to facilitate it.

Alumni on the Move

当我们的爱博手机登录有了新的职业发展,或者愿意接受新的冒险,把他们带到新的领域时,我们总是很兴奋. 爱博手机登录参与办公室可以作为一个桥梁,帮助你在新家附近找到或欢迎新朋友. 

Service Projects/Trips

Service is in the fabric of Marywood. 作为一名学生,很明显,为他人服务是使我们的社区变得更好的原因. That value only expands as we enter the professional world, create families, and advance our careers - implementing service, no matter where you are, keeps some of the best part of Marywood thriving. The Office of Alumni Engagement, in collaboration with Campus Ministry, 总是在寻找你在社区中提供的服务吗. 

Young Alumni Council



  • 通过交流加强年轻爱博手机登录与爱博登录页面之间的关系, events, and programming.
  • 鼓励年轻前受奖人贡献他们的时间、技能和财力.
  • 通过提供志愿者机会,积极吸引年轻爱博手机登录.

Questions about volunteering? 不确定什么机会能最好地发挥你的技能? 有一个想法似乎不太适合当前的角色?

Contact us!

Office of Alumni Engagement
call: 570 348-6238